Tuesday, August 22, 2017


NMP Online Entry
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എല്ലാ പ്രവൃത്തിദിനങ്ങളിലും 2 മണിക്കു മുമ്പ് ഈ ജാലകം തുറന്നു ഉച്ചഭക്ഷണപരിപാടിയിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കുന്ന കുട്ടികളുടെ എണ്ണം (ആൺ/ പെൺ ) അതിൽ രേഖപ്പെടുത്തണമെന്ന് അറിയിക്കുന്നു.  
Circular No. NM(1)-39000/2017/DPI dt. 30/05/17.
Sub:- Gen. Edn. – Noon Meal Programme-2017- 18 General Instructions – reg.

Ref:- 1) Circular No. NM(1)-39000/2017/DPI dt. 30/05/17.

2) E-mail from the D.P.I.

The Director of Public Instruction vide reference cited above had directed the

undersigned to closely monitor the progress of the implementation of mid day Meal

Scheme. In the circumstances all Headmasters are directed to implement the Midday

Meal Scheme in their schools in accordance with the guidelines and instructions issued

vide circular referred I st above, which have already forwarded to all schools. The

following areas should be taken care while implementing the scheme.

1) Overall hygiene and cleanliness in the preparations and serving of the meal,

maintenance of kitchen-cum store and dining halls (or the place where children

assemble to have their meals.)

2) Provision of clean and pure drinking water to children.

3) Maintenance of a good waste management and disposal system.

4) Maintaining of registers, bills and vouchers related to Mid day Meal Scheme


5) Consent letters/declarations should be collected from parents of the children who

avail Mid day Meal.

6) Use of LPG instead of firewood and other fuels.

7) Steering cum monitoring committees at school, sub district and District levels should

be convened as per the instruction given in the circular.

8) Pulses, condiments, vegetables, oil etc. should be purchased as per the instructions in

the circular.

9) Financial propriety should be maintained in handling the funds of the scheme.

10) Uploading the data of children taking the meal on to the state portal before 2 p.m.

every day.

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